PocketLife Devlog #2 - Currency, Nighttime, NPCs, Vehicles


Currently called "gold", not sure if I'll change this. They spawn randomly every minute. The NPCs can pick up gold too, it will just disappear. Currently you can only have gold in hand, but eventually I want to add a banking system where you can deposit and withdraw, and perhaps it may even earn interest? 💰


Days are 15min long, nights are 5 minutes long. The sky will get darker and the doors to buildings will close. Don't get trapped in the supermarket 😱


Appearances are randomized! The player character uses the same code for now, but I hope to implement a character creator of some kind later.

They look at and move towards random targets every 15-60 seconds. If the player gets too close, they will stare 👀


4 cars will drive around the map in loops, when they leave the area they will change colour to imply a new vehicle has spawned when it re-enters. A bus also loops around the map, at a slower speed. Vehicles slow to a crawl as they approach crossings, slowly go through, and then gradually speed back up to continue their path.

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